Tuesday, July 19, 2005

You Might Be Studying For The Bar If...

You have a clever idea for a blog post, but the best format you can think of is a cheap, cliched knock off of a Jeff Foxworthy joke.

Your last thought before you go fall asleep everynight regards a doctrine of law (duh).

Your second to last thought is a calculation of how many hours you will sleep tonight.

Your third to last thought is a violent fantasy about the total stranger who, this morning, got up to the Dunkin' Donuts counter and didn't have his money out yet...

...your fourth to last thought is one of complete disbelief that no one you told about the guy at Dunkin' Donuts shared in your moral outrage... not even the person lying next to you.

Your diet now consists primarily or even solely of foods that you swore off years ago.

Last thing you remember is getting really angry at some asshole in front of you in line at the supermarket. Now you've just awoken under a remote tree. Your jeans are tattered and the rest of the clothes you were wearing are missing.

Drinking leads to crying.

Meeting with your friends begins to sound a little like an intervention in that everyone is telling you how much they care about you, how great you are, how everything is gonna be fine, "you can do this."

Punch-lines to your jokes involve words like "loquitur," or "remainderman," or "estoppel," or phrases like "and then I said 'Sca-lee-a? I hardly know ya!'"

You could swear all the pedestrians in crosswalks have cross-hares on their shirts, and that those who don't, ought to or might as well.

You recently discovered that a car horn can break or wear out.

You're studying in the library when someone stops near your table to make a cell phone call or talk to somebody else, and you imagine yourself lunging over your table like Mini-Me at him.

You have a sense of entitlement with regard to things that, two months ago, you would have thought was a lovely favor... like having someone make dinner for you. When someone does make dinner for you, you become a world-class food critic i.e. "There's too much salt." After announcing your criticism, you change it into something personal i.e. "How could you put so much salt in this when you know I have to study for the bar?"

Your significant other has asked you recently to "please shave."

Your TiVo hard drive is maxed out.

Whe you see total strangers with great tans, you think to yourself, "She can't be studying very much if she's laying outside so much," even though you have no reason to belive that she is even taking the bar.

You're expert with respect to which pens are the most comfortable, which highlighters last the longest, and which pencils have the best erasers.

Part of you craves nasty weather so you don't feel like you're missing out on anything.

You're never prouder than when you find a way to save yourself five minutes of time... like by brushing your teeth in the shower... as if that five minutes changes everything. Alternatively, deciding in advance to brush your teeth in the shower can be justification for hitting the snooze button one more time.

You ask yourself everyday, "What book did I forget to read in law school?"

You classify your friends and loved ones into categories like: people whose phone calls you will return when you get a chance, people whose calls you will return after the bar, people whose calls you will not take under any circumstances, and people who, if they call you again, you will blow up their house...

...or people you whose calls you will not take, but you will call back, but only at a time when you know they will not be able to answer the phone, so you can just leave a message without getting stuck on the phone with them, and they can't give you a hard time for not returning their calls.

Every night you make a new resolution like it was eff'n New Year's, only all of your resolutions pertain to studying.

You hate people whom you only know thru conversations that you overhear.

You suffer from what I will call Cinderella Syndrome, where you find yourself with a loved one at the end of the night, and think "If we're gonna make out tonight, we better get started soon because I gotta go to bed early so I can get up on time and start studying." Apparantly, if you don't wake up by 8AM on Saturday or Sunday, your PMBR CDs turn into pumpkins.

You do that thing in the shower, that fighters always do in movies after the fight... where they stand under the shower head, hands out in front of them against the wall, and head down 'cause they're too tired to stand on their own.

Your plans for after the bar don't necessarily involve something specific, but if you don't somehow make the evening news, your post bar celebration will be somewhat of a disappointment.

You have a new four letter "f" word that you're terrified to use and you shiver when other people use it. It rhymes with "pail."

All your dreams involve absurd law school dramas... like failing law school algebra, or sleeping thru your law school spanish exam. You wake up physically and emotionally exhausted as if you actually did it.

All of your voice mails begin with "Dude, are you alive?"

Instead of all the things you used to do in your spare time... like drinking, making out, watching TV, leisure reading (remember what that was like?), or all four, now you just blog.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that drinking and crying comment was directed towards someone...I wonder who

5:10 PM  
Blogger Jerk said...

anonynous, you are very crafty indeed, but all i can say is you know who you are

5:12 PM  
Blogger GG said...

OMG... all of these are SO RIGHT ON. I just had to go to the supermarket (on a Sunday afternoon, when all the old people and small children are there) and I was just *so* thankful that I was too exhausted to have the energy to kill any of them. Because I would have. I did intentionally hit a kid with my shopping cart though, but that was his fault for standing in my way.

5:31 PM  
Blogger GG said...

Wait, did you add some more later? Because I think I missed some of these the first time.

Like the one about tans. I just had to interject that I spend a lot of time sitting outside while I'm studying so I'm pretty tan. I mean, very tan. I mean, I'm going to die of skin cancer in about five minutes.

10:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just had the make out thing a couple of hours ago on a more extreme level with my husband ... I was thinking "ok, all of this stroking and cuddling is nice and all, but we have about five more minutes to start f***ing before I go back to making flashcards." How screwed up is that??? And yes, I know that making flashcards is not the best way to study for the bar, but it is the only freaking way I can remember anything so I use it for the important things that we all know are going to be on there - so back off. So obviously, the anger/lashing out thing sounds pretty familiar too ... although I have not started crying when I drink yet, but I hear that actually kicks in more after the bar. Fun times.

10:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and the weather thing is great ... I have gotten to where I actually crave overcast days because that means I can do my MC drills on the terrace without feeling blinded by the reflection off of the white pages. Bring on the clouds!

10:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not sure what is worse, reading all of that and identifying with it or reading all of that and knowing I am just going to have to go through it again in six months or so. Today I sat my BF down and prepped him for the fact that I am probably not going to pass. I am still moving forward, I am still making progress, but I woke up this morning with the certainty that I am just not going to make it. I just have not been putting in the time, and I have not been good at saying no to all of the other stuff that folks want you to do and that I always say yes to even when it makes me want to punch somebody. So here I am, two weeks out, and nobody is calling me wanting to know where I am because I always freaking call people back, which I guess is nice, but then again my MBE practice is about fifty percent and there are whole essays I have no clue on. At least my income for the next year is not dependant on this deal so I have another shot, and I know it is because I have not really been putting in the time so it is not like I am going to have suicidal thoughts about my intelligence level when the results come out, but it is still depressing as hell to know that you are going to fail no matter what. Plus knowing you have spent all of this time and money for nothing. But my phone calls got returned! So, you know, at least there is that.

10:39 PM  
Blogger Linds said...

...my mom just told me she wasn't calling me again until after the Bar was over. Something about me screaming at her when she asked if I was keeping up with my study schedule... and screaming at her when she asked if I was still sleeping/eating/exercising enough... and screaming at her when she continued the phone conversation for 15 minutes, in direct violation of the agreed to '10 minute' rule... hmm. Wonder what HER problem is??? :) Good luck!

12:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Anon. (11:39 pm). I'm in the exact same boat. I've continued to call people back and even agreed to some non-study events along the way. And I stared at the ceiling until 4am a few nights ago with the realization that I don't have a chance... I've explained this to everyone I need to, but they all respond with 'you'll do fine, you're smart'. Which will just make it all worse. I've already begun thinking about how I'll study next time. I know what I needed to do to pass, and I know I haven't done it yet. Still, 2 more weeks. But my essay and MBE practice grades aren't nearly enough... anyway, thought I'd let you know you aren't the only one. :) Not that it helps much... ~ Erika

1:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen, Anon 11:39pm. It's like you stole that post right out of my brain!

Anyhoo, those were soooooo right on, it was scary. Especially when you're a girl, and your SO tells you to "please, for the love of God, shave!" Whateva, there will be lots of time to shave on the 29th. Deal! :) he he he

4:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My mom feels so bad for me that I thinks she's going to cry after her weekly visits. I know I usually feel like crying. She actually comes up to see me and tries to take care of the zits on my face by swabbing my face with some home remedy, she paints my toenails to make me feel better, and she loads me up with food. And I just sit there and try to hold back the tears when I think, "I'm sorry you went through all this if I don't pass." But she's my mom, I guess she has to believe I'll pass.

5:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This all makes sense to me, especially the things that reflect the deep gnawing sense of self-doubt. Office Depot may even be a bit out of my reach at this point. I did get stuck at the liquor store over the Fourth, though, waiting for almost two hours for someone to come get me after I absentmindedly locked my keys in my car. Due to my bar prep and consequential heightened memorization skills I knew the location of every single item in the store in about 30 minutes, so I passed the time by helping people find things and by talking to middle aged men with deep questions like "What is Malibu rum and what do you mix with it? My sister-in-law says we have to get some" and "My girlfriend says I had better come home with something that tastes like chocolate if I want to get laid tonight." So Doris at the liquor store down the road says that if I don't pass she would hire me in a second. Woo hoo!

2:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so hilario and right.

6:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This posting and its comments are the best therapy any bar-taker could ask for!

1:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jay, I don't know you, but this is great stuff. My absurd law school dream last night: I got up to use the bathroom during my law school graduation ceremony, but right when I was almost finished, some kid burst into the bathroom (whose door I thought I had locked) and startled me, causing me to piss all over myself before the flow was interupted. I kept pushing on the door and telling the kid to go away, but he wouldn't stop trying to get in. Finally I realized that the door was disconnected from its hinges (the side I was pushing on) so I started to push on the other side and tried in futility to lock the door. No use. finally the kids' parents came to take him away, but they did not seem the least bit bothered by the consequences of their little bastard's mischief. I was so startled by that point that I was unable to finish my operation. I missed the entire graduation ceremony. Oh, and somehow Justice Stevens was there too and asked me if I wanted to clerk for him, to which I replied, "I'm not qualified." And the guy who runs the human rights organization I'm trying to get a job at was sitting outside next to a storm drain stabbing rats with a bowie knife as they attemped to scurry down into the sewer. Yeah.

7:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, i am getting ready to take the Feb bar here in sunny Fla, and i find it impossible to keep people, things, phones, and everything else away from me. it is a struggle. i am becoming an angry person and I feel like I am ready to blow up tootles A

1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you might be studying for the bar if...

you are trying to come up with mnemonic devices for... well, everything!

Anytime you see anything popcorn related or Sinatra related you say "Frank Sinatra Did Not Prefer Orville Redenbaucher" and laugh hysterically, then try to explain it to your friends who now have, thanks to your latest comment, arrived at the conclusion that you have, indeed lost your mind.

3:51 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Love it! I feel your pain

3:02 PM  
Blogger Duby said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

1:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My daughter sent this to me to describe what she is going through. Stanford grad, bar July 2007. Guess you can understand why I refuse to call her until after July 26th. She's mean. Texas MOM

9:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, I know this is an OLD post, but as an addendum to one item,

You're studying in the library, at a coffee shop, anywhere, and and someone stops near your table to make a cell phone call or talk to somebody else, and the only reason you DON'T lunge over your table Mini-Me at her is because the idea that it is a tort runs through your head at the same time, along with what makes up the prima facie case of battery. You then bang your head on the table, which luckily scares away that inconsiderate chatty bastard.

8:29 PM  

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